SuzhouSeagull Huxin Island Resort,located in Xishan Isle in Suzhou Taihu nationaltourist resort district, close to the vast Taihu. There are lake-view standardrooms,landscape-view standard rooms,business single rooms and deluxe lake-viewsuits with in all more than 200 beds. It has a professional business buildingincluding 20 different meeting rooms and report rooms. The banquet hall canaccommodate more than 300 people, the restaurant rooms and buffet hall are indifferent style. There are also entertainment places, including KTV rooms,multifunction dancing hall, chess and card rooms, billiards room, table tennisroom and café, etc. Deluxe yacht is available for travelers to travel in Taihu.Free broadband (high-speed fiber optic) internet access, guestrooms and publicarea wireless network coverage.
Suzhou Seagull HuxinIsland Resort Co.,Ltd Add.: No.105 Zhongxia stree,Jinting town (Xishan Isle) Wuzhong district, Suzhou Tel.:0512 66318288